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Add Yourself Estimated Waits

Choose how to display an estimated wait

When using the Add Yourself features, whether through Kiosk Mode or the Web Widget, there are several ways you can display the estimated wait to customers. Navigate to the Settings > Add Yourself > Main View. Here you can select how to show your wait times. Please note, none of these displays includes reservations; only parties currently on the waitlist.

kiosk menu

People and Groups – Show the number of parties and the total number of people on the list.
People – Show the number of people on the list.
Minutes By Group – Display an estimated time by multiplying the number of parties by a number of minutes you specify. For example, selecting 5 minutes will multiply the number of groups on the list by 5, and present that result as the estimated wait.
Minutes By People – Display an estimated time by multiplying the total number of people on the list by a number of minutes you specify.
Last Estimated Time – Report the last estimate given by your staff.
List View – Show the public view of the waitlist, so people can see where they are in line. (This can be helpful for a kiosk display in a lobby.)
Groups – Show the number of groups on the list.
Add Only – No estimates, just go straight to the Add Yourself part.

Here are a few examples:
groups and people waiting
Web Widget, number of groups and people

last estimated wait
Web widget, last estimated wait

kiosk waitlist view
Kiosk mode, full waitlist view