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Quick Notes

Create a custom list of notes you use most often

Want to better remember seating requests for waiting customers? Or note which visitors are celebrating special events? Waitlist Me lets you enter any notes you like, and they can be easily scanned from the waitlist view so you can better stay on top of things. They can also be viewed in the customer history view and the downloadable reports.

With the Quick Notes feature, you can define as many pre-set notes as you would like to appear when a party is added to the waitlist. It’s great for common events, such as birthdays and anniversaries, or popular customer preferences, like dietary restrictions. They can even be used for tracking popular items people might order or specific things you may want to track in analytics.

Quick Note App

The nice thing about Quick Notes is they speed up the process of adding parties because they can be selected from a list rather than typed out. Also, they make it easier to standardize how staff enter important information.

You can edit Quick Notes in the app settings individually:

Quick Notes Edit

Or you can update them all at once in the settings on the Waitlist Me website. If you have multiple devices the changes will sync so they are the same across all devices.

Quick Notes Online