waitLanguageFile = '{ "waitlist": "Waitlist", "size": "Size", "phone": "Phone", "date_time": "Date & Time", "status": "Status", "refresh_view": "Refresh View", "change_mode": "Change Mode", "enter_password": "Please enter your password", "submit": "Submit", "incorrect_password": "Incorrect Password", "waitlist_add_text": "You are on the waitlist at [place_name] ([place_number]). Visit [link] to check your place in line.", "waitlist_eta_text": "Your reservation for [size] is confirmed for [eta] at [place_name] ([place_number]). Thank you!", "notification_text": "We are ready for you at [place_name]! If you decided not to come, let us know at [link]", "second_notification_text": "It’s your turn! Please come by or let us know if you are not coming here: [link]", "waitlist_remove_text": "You have been removed from the waitlist at [place_name].", "int_party1": "BH", "int_party2": "CW", "int_party3": "KD", "int_party4": "AC", "app_hrs": "hrs", "hours_shortened": "h", "group": "Group", "groups": "Groups", "person_waiting": "person Waiting", "people_waiting": "People Waiting", "group_waiting": "Group Waiting", "groups_waiting": "Groups Waiting", "join_waitlist": "Join Waitlist", "make_appointment": "Make Appointment", "make_reservation": "Make Reservation", "estimated_wait": "Estimated wait", "lbl_come_on_in": "Come on in!", "min": "Min", "powered_by": "Powered by", "no_one_waitlist": "No one on waitlist", "widget_inactive": "Widget Inactive", "wait_at": "[wait_time] min wait at [time_of_day]", "add_yourself": "Add yourself", "name": "Name", "people": "People", "phone_number": "Phone Number", "notes": "Notes", "optional": "optional", "back": "Back", "add": "Add", "date": "Date", "today": "Today", "ok": "Ok", "m_and": "and", "m_or": "or", "m_here": "here", "sel_reservation_date": "Please select Reservation Date", "sel_future_time": "Select a future time", "thankyou_welcome_place": "Thank you! Welcome to [place_name]", "sel_date": "Select date", "done": "Done", "confirm": "Confirm", "send_msg_coming": "Send a message that you are coming?", "are_you_sure_cancel": "Are you sure you want to cancel?", "you_must_enter_your_name": "You must enter your name.", "please_enter_your_name": "Please enter your name.", "party_size_in_range": "Party size must be from 1 to 99.", "must_enter_number_in_party_size": "You must input number in party size", "you_must_enter_party_size": "You must enter party size.", "you_must_enter_phone_number": "You must enter a phone number.", "must_enter_numer_in_phone": "You must input only numbers in phone.", "you_must_enter_10_digit_phone_number": "You must enter 10 digit Phone number", "you_must_select_hours": "You must select Hours.", "you_must_select_minutes": "You must select Minutes.", "close_on_day": "Closed on [DAY]. Please choose another day", "reservation_in_advance_days": "You can only make a reservation [number_of_days] days in advance", "reservation_during_specific_hours": "Please choose a time between [start_time] [m_and] [end_time].", "out_of_business_hours": "Please, choose a time between [start_time] [m_and] [end_time].", "max_partysize_reservation": "Reservations are limited to groups of less than [max_partysize] people", "min_partysize_reservation": "Reservations are limited to groups of more than [min_partysize] people", "not_accept_reservation": "Sorry, we aren't accepting reservations for [DAY_NAME], [party_date]", "msg_inactive_title": "Not Available", "msg_inactive_description": "Sorry, the option to add yourself to our waitlist isn't vailable right now.", "request_sent": "Request Sent", "widget_reservation_msg": "Your reservation of [party_size] people is confirmed for [party_date] in [place_name]. Thank you!", "widget_reservation_msg_request": "Your request has been sent. If you provided a phone number you should receive a confirmation text when your request is confirmed.", "widget_waitlist_join_msg": "You've been added to the waitlist at [place_name]. Visit [link] to check your place in line.", "public_take_survey": "Take a survey about your experience", "public_party": "Party", "public_size": "Group Size", "public_time_waited": "Time Waited", "public_time_remaining": "Time Remaining", "public_time_added": "Time Added", "public_phone_required": "Please enter phone number", "public_size_required": "Please enter party size", "public_size_valid_number": "Please enter a valid phone number", "public_waitlist_add": "Your request has been sent. If you provided a phone number you should receive a confirmation text when you are added to the waitlist.", "public_no_one_in_waitlist": "No one currently on the waitlist", "no_longer_on_waitlist": "You are no longer on the waitlist.", "ready_for_you_come_soon": "We are ready for you! Please come by as soon as possible.", "request_decline": "Your Request has been declined.", "requesting_to_added": "Requesting to be added.", "i_am_coming": "I'm coming", "i_am_not_coming": "I'm not coming", "not_coming": "Not Coming", "cancel": "Cancel", "cancelled": "Cancelled", "msg_you_in_order": "You are number [order] on the waitlist.", "msg_you_in_order_waited": "You are number [order] on the waitlist and have waited [time_waited] minutes.", "msg_you_in_order_remaining": "You are number [order] on the waitlist and have an estimated [time_remaining] minutes remaining", "we_ready_for_you": "We are ready for you! Please come by as soon as possible.", "number_in_line": "You are number [order] on the waitlist.", "sunday": "Sunday", "monday": "Monday", "tuesday": "Tuesday", "wednesday": "Wednesday", "thursday": "Thursday", "friday": "Friday", "saturday": "Saturday", "sun": "Sun", "mon": "Mon", "tue": "Tue", "wed": "Wed", "thu": "Thu", "fri": "Fri", "sat": "Sat", "hr": "hr", "hour": "hour", "am": "a.m.", "pm": "p.m.", "m_january": "January", "m_february": "February", "m_march": "March", "m_april": "April", "m_may": "May", "m_june": "June", "m_july": "July", "m_august": "August", "m_september": "September", "m_october": "October", "m_november": "November", "m_december": "December", "m_s_jan": "Jan", "m_s_feb": "Feb", "m_s_mar": "Mar", "m_s_apr": "Apr", "m_s_may": "May", "m_s_jun": "Jun", "m_s_jul": "Jul", "m_s_aug": "Aug", "m_s_sep": "Sep", "m_s_oct": "Oct", "m_s_nov": "Nov", "m_s_dec": "Dec" }'; waitGoogleFile = '{ "header_welcome": "Welcome to Waitlist Me!", "header_get_started": "Get Started in 3 Simple Steps", "header_how_works": "See How it Works", "description_how_works": "Watch our short video tutorial to get started. It is easy to learn what you need in minutes.", "action_watch_video": "Watch Video", "header_get_app": "Get the App", "description_get_app": "Use Waitlist Me on:", "iPads_and_iPhones": "iPads and iPhones", "android_devices": " Android devices", "computers": "Computers", "action_learn_more": "Learn more", "header_upgrade": "Upgrade for More", "description_upgrade": "For more features and customization, check out the Premium and Pro services", "support_text1": "Once you get the hang of the basics, check out our", "tips_page": "tips_page", "support_text2": "for more ways to use Waitlist Me to improve your business results. If you have questions or feedback visit our", "knowledge_base_page": "knowledge_base_page", "support_text3": "or send an email to", "support_email": "support@waitlist.me", "navigation_toggle": "Toggle navigation", "navigation_waitlist": "Waitlist", "navigation_analytics": "Analytics", "navigation_account": "Account", "navigation_help": "Help", "navigation_hello": "Hello", "action_edit_info": "Edit Info", "action_billing_istory": "Billing History", "action_log_out": "Log Out", "navigation_my_places": "My Places", "header_user_info": "User Info", "error_message": "something went wrong, please try again later", "account_first_name": "First Name", "account_last_name": "Last Name", "account_email": "Email", "account_phone": "Phone Number", "action_reset_password": "Reset Password?", "account_password": "Password", "account_confirm_assword": "Confirm Password", "action_save": "Save", "action_more_nfo": "More Info", "header_company_info": "Company Info", "account_company": "Company", "account_address": "Address", "account_city": "City", "account_state": "State", "account_postal": "Postal Code", "account_country": "Country", "action_back": "Back", "header_place": "Place", "header_wait": "Wait", "header_served_24hr": "Served (24hr)", "header_served_week": "Served (Week)", "header_address": "Address", "header_city": "City", "header_state": "State", "header_upgrade_place_page": "Upgrade", "message_not_found": "No Location found for", "action_previous": "Previous", "action_next": "Next", "header_widget_size": "Widget size", "description_widget_size": "Choose how the widget part of the page displays", "option_widget_size": "Fixed size", "option_widget_auto_size": "Auto-adjust to page", "header_hosted_widget": "Hosted Widget Page", "description_hosted_widget": "Add HTML to the box below to display on the bottom of your hosted page at", "action_preview": "Preview", "action_publish": "Publish", "header_get_widget": "Get Widget", "inactive_widget": "This widget is currently inactive", "header_get_widget_link": "Copy Code or Get Link:", "header_widget_page": "Widget Page", "action_join_waitlist": "Join Waitlist", "action_make_reservation": "Make Reservation", "action_add": "Add", "header_waitlist_display": "Wailtlist Display", "label_add_yourself_screen": "Add Yourself Screen", "header_customize_widget": "Customize Widget", "label_titles": "Titles", "action_confirm": "Confirm", "auto_refresh": "Auto-refresh after confirmation message", "label_auto_removal": "Auto Removal", "description_auto_removeal": "Choose to remove these requests automatically after", "auto_removal_notification": "When customer has been removed automatically after 30 minute or less, send this notification.", "header_pro_upgrade": "Go Pro", "description_display_hours": "Set the times the widget will be active for requests", "header_business_hours": "Business Hours and Display Hours", "description_business_hours": "Set the days and times of the week your business is normally open and the widget should accept requests", "header_blackout_dates": "Blackout Dates", "description_blackout_dates": "Add holidays or specific calendar dates you aren’t open or don't take reservations", "upgrade_pro": "Go Pro", "header_other_settings": "Other Settings", "message_out_of_hours": "Out of business hours message", "header_limit_size": "Limit group size", "description_limit_size": "Number of people in group can only be", "header_limit_scheduling": "Limit future reservations", "description_limit_scheduling": "Only allow scheduling up to a number of days in advance", "header_display_hours": "Display Hours", "message_inactive": "Message to Display When Inactive", "inactive_title": "Title", "inactive_message": "Message", "header_day_title": "Day Title", "description_day_title": "Select at least one hour range or All Day or Closed option", "header_blackout": "Black Out Dates", "description_blacout": "Add holidays or specific dates you aren't open or don't take reservations", "label_date": "Date", "label_Type": "Type", "label_no_display": "No Display", "label_no_widget": "No widget display", "action_add_date": "Add date", "error_required_fields": "All fields are required.", "confirmation_delete": "Are you sure want to delete?", "add_balance_button": "Add Balance", "terms_of_use_and_policy_text": "I accept Terms of Use , and Privacy Policy", "auto_recharge_pop_up_text": "Recharge my account when the Balance reaches", "waitlist_empty_text": "The Waitlist is empty", "total_serverd_stat_text": "TOTAL SERVED", "total_removed_stat_text": "TOTAL REMOVED", "total_sent_stat_text": "TEXTS SENT", "waitlist_me_in_more_countries_text": "Waitlist Me is now available in more countries", "show_history_text": "Show History", "choose_time_header_text": "Choose Time", "average_wait_text": "Average Wait", "no_balance_pop_up_text": "You don't have enough balance to send notification. Please add to your balance on our website.", "notification_count_check_pop_up": "You have already notify this person twice", "save_info_mouseover": "Save Info", "delete_customer_mouseover": "Delete Customer", "change_resource_status_pop_up": "Change Resource status", "public_waitlist_header": "Public Waitlist", "public_waitlist_subtext": " Customize the public waitlist customers can check from their phone or a display screen.", "other_settings_header": "Other Settings", "auto_remove_customer_option_text": "Auto-remove customers after", "confirmation_text_sub_header_text": "Customize the confirmation texts and set whether they automatically are sent to each party or not", "time_zone_header": "Time Zone", "remove_text_header": "Remove Text", "remove_sub_header_text": "Sent to customers when removed from list with Remove action....", "account_page_settings_option": "Settings", "account_page_place_option": "Place", "account_page_user_option": "Users", "upgrade_place_accept_terms_and_policy_text": "I accepted term and Policy", "card_name_validation_message": "Please enter cardholder's name", "card_zip_validation_message": "Please enter billing zip", "card_number_validation_message": "Please enter card number", "card_cvv_validation_message": "Please enter CVV", "card_expiration_validation_message": "Please enter expiration date", "cards_terms_and_condition_text": "Please accept terms and conditions", "reservation_time_text": "Time", "reservation_size_text": "Size", "reservation_status_text": "Status", "reservation_table_text": "Table", "reservation_name_text": "Name", "reservation_notes_text": "Notes", "party_served_status_text": "Served", "party_removed_status_text": "Removed", "none_text": "None", "widget_party_request_text": "Requesting to be added", "quick_notes_validation_text": "Quick notes can not be blank", "downgrade_successfull_text": "You downgraded successfully", "notification_toggle_button_text": "Toggle to edit separate texts for quoted and ETA times", "downgrade_confrim_pop_up": "Please confirm you would like to downgrade your plan to Waitlist Me Basic.", "admin_option_text": "Admin", "enter_email_text": "Enter Email", "user_option_text": "User", "limited_user_option_text": "Limited User", "add_user_button": "Add User", "emial_required_validtion": "Please enter email address.", "correct_email_validation": "Please enter a valid email address.", "update_button": "Update", "edit_permisssion": "Edit Permission", "pending_status_text": "Pending", "revoke_invite_text": "Revoke invite", "about_your_place_header": "About Your Place", "address_jumbotron_header": "Address", "restraunt_name_placeholder": "Restaurant Name", "street_address_placeholder": "Enter a street address", "city_placeholder": "City", "state_placeholder": "State/Region", "postal_code_placeholder": "Postal Code", "country_placeholder": "Country", "phone_number_placeholder": "Phone Number", "invalid_phone_warning": "Invalid Phone", "save_btn": "Save", "info_save_success_text": "Your information saved successfully.", "unable_info_save_text": "Unable to save restaurant info.", "restraunt_name_validation_text": "Please enter restaurant name", "address_validation_text": "Please enter address", "city_validation_text": "Please enter city", "state_validation_text": "Please enter state", "postal_code_validation_text": "Please enter postal code", "country_validation_text": "Please enter country", "phone_validation_text": "Please enter phone number", "enter_address_text": "Please enter address information to locate address on map", "upgrade_now_btn": "Upgrade Now", "dont_add_to_bal_txt": "Don't add to Balance", "i_accept_txt": "I accept", "terms_of_use_txt": "Terms of Use", "and_txt": "and", "privacy_policy_txt": "Privacy Policy", "removal_text_header": "Removal Text", "removal_sub_header_text": "Sent to customers when removed from list with Remove action (checking off customers doesn't send a text)", "customize_assignment_header": "Customize Assignments", "assignment_txt": "Assignment", "size_txt": "Size", "add_row_btn": "Add Row", "cancel_btn": "Cancel", "customize_assignmnet_side_txt": "Add and edit the table numbers or other customer assignments, depending on your business.", "enter_one_per_line_txt": "Enter one per line and press Save", "enable_resource_management_side_txt_1": "Add and edit the table numbers,employees or the resources you assign to your customers.", "enable_resource_management_side_txt_2": "Use Size to designate the number of customers each resource can accomodate, if applicable your business. For example a table that can sit 4 would have a Size of 4.", "enable_resource_management_toggle_btn": "Enable Resource Management", "delete_unname_assignmnet_modal_txt": "You can’t save resources without names. Would you like us to delete these for you?", "tables_saved_success_message": "Tables saved successfully. Please re-login into Waitlist Me on your tablet to get the changes.", "yes_btn": "Yes", "no_btn": "No", "switch_plan_modal_txt": "Please send an email to support@waitlist.me to switch your plan.", "history_list_empty_txt": "The History List is empty", "export_analytics_file_1": "You will receive an email", "export_analytics_file_2": "shortly.", "requesting_to_add_txt": "Requesting to be added", "free_settings_page_header": "More customization and features", "free_settings_page_free_sub_header_txt": "Upgrade to Premium or Pro to customize your notifications and public waitlist page as well as turn on features like reservations, resource assignment, downloadable reports, and more.", "free_settings_page_premium_sub_header_txt": "Get everything you have now along with a full set of table/resource management features, more reporting, and advanced customization.", "quick_notes_success_txt": "Quick Note added successfully. Please re-login into Waitlist Me on your tablet to get the changes.", "quick_notes_failed_txt": "Unable to save Quick Note.", "confirmation_text_radio_btn_options": "Send confirmation text to customers", "never_option_txt": "never", "other_settings_auto_suggest": "Autosuggest Names", "add_place_txt": "Add A Place", "have_another_place_txt": "Have another place?", "add_it_txt": "Add it", "to_your_account_txt": "to your account", "edit_view_country_code": "Country Code", "edit_view_phone": "Phone", "edit_view_history_btn": "View History", "customer_history_vists_txt": "visits", "customer_history_avrg_wait_txt": "minute average wait", "customer_history_date_header": "Date", "customer_history_added_header": "Added", "customer_history_waiting_header": "Waiting", "customer_history_party_size_header": "Party Size", "customer_history_empty_txt": "The Customer History List is empty", "customer_arrived_status": "Arrived", "customer_served_status": "Served At", "customer_table_status": "Table", "customer_removed_status": "Removed At", "customer_color_status": "Status", "empty_customer_list": "The Customer History List is empty", "waitlist_request_text": "Waitlist Request", "action_view": "View", "action_view_plans": "View plans", "action_paged": "Paged", "action_paged_2": "Paged 2", "action_today": "today", "edit_page_party_notes": "Notes", "add_page_party_status": "Status", "managing_places" : "Managing Places", "managing_places_view_features" : "View features", "managing_paces_last_text" : "for managing multiple locations", "custom_html_display" : "Custom HTML Display", "fully_customize_kiosk_widget_page" : "Fully customize the display of your kiosk and widget pages", "enable_for_widget_page" : "Enable for web widget page", "enable_sync_devices_for_kiosk_in_app" : "Enable syncing across devices for kiosk mode in apps", "on_settings" : "On", "off_settings" : "Off", "edit_link" : "Edit", "load_template" : "Load Template", "load_settings" : "Load", "custom_html_widget" : "Custom HTML for Widget", "get_started" : "Get Started", "click_to_copy" : "Click to copy", "load_in_one_of_the" : "Load in one of the", "templates" : "Templates", "and_check_our" : "and check our", "documentation" : "Documentation", "copy_code" : "Copy Code", "use_same_html_for_kiosk" : "To use the same HTML for the kiosk, you can", "copy_to_kiosk" : "Copy to kiosk", "want_to_copy_same_html_widget_to_kiosk" : "Do you want to copy the same Widget HTML to be used for the Kiosk HTML?", "widget_main_view" : "Widget Main View", "widget_join_waitlist" : "Widget Join Waitlist", "widget_add_reservation" : "Widget Add Reservation", "widet_confirmation" : "Widget Confirmation", "all_items_included" : "All items included!", "item_not_used_single" : "[items_count] item not used!", "items_not_used_multi" : "[items_count] items not used!", "reset_to_template" : "Reset to Template", "select_template" : "Select Template", "please_select_template" : "Please select Template", "html_css_js_reset_default" : "All the HTML, CSS and JavaScript will reset to default?", "html_css_js_reset_default_confirm" : "All the HTML, CSS and JavaScript will reset to default. Are you sure want to reset?", "preview_item_not_used" : "Item(s) not used", "custom_html_kiosk" : "Custom HTML for Kiosk", "use_same_html_for_widget" : "To use the same HTML for the widget, you can", "copy_to_widget" : "Copy to widget", "want_to_copy_same_html_kiosk_to_widget" : "Do you want to copy the same Kiosk HTML to be used for the Widget HTML?", "kiosk_main_view" : "Kiosk Main View", "kiosk_join_waitlist" : "Kiosk Join Waitlist", "kiosk_add_reservation" : "Kiosk Add Reservation", "kiosk_confirmation" : "Kiosk Confirmation", "form_tag_restriction" : "Form tags, i.e form, input, select, option, textarea, are not allowed here.", "widget_invalid_html" : "Something is wrong with html entered. Please re-check html. Press cancel to edit html. Press OK to continue with the html." }';